The TV series Breaking Bad had a great way of doing that... but isn't that a little drastic? Couldn't they just be reassigned somewhere?
Or do they know too much?
i remember that was a rumor going around shortly before i left the jws.
whatever happened with it?
The TV series Breaking Bad had a great way of doing that... but isn't that a little drastic? Couldn't they just be reassigned somewhere?
Or do they know too much?
from an oxy-delirious fly-on-ear ( part 1) .
by hairtrigger.
i gonna tell one of my adventures on the circuit.
Alright then...
Does this sound suspiciously like Armageddon Okies the Sequel to anyone else?
i started this topic 5 years ago letting everyone know i had decide to get my ged and go to college in hopes of getting an education so that i could have a career instead of just a job.
i wanted fulfillment and a future, not just another job that has no really future in it.
Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations!!!
I don't even know you, but I am SO proud of you. I really admire initiative and self-motivation in people, especially when they are starting "behind the eight ball." You have every right to be very pleased with yourself.
For what it's worth, my Extremely Significant Other is a medical coder now, as well as a former supervisor and instructor in a major regional hospital here in the northeast. She says the field is really going to explode when ICD-10 finally begins here in the US. She now codes from home for a major agency and loves the control it gives her over her schedule.
thanks to jw archive wiki we have a pdf of the new elders book..
Maybe I have a naughty side, but when I downloaded the PDF of this book, I renamed it Flocking the Sheep.
Does anyone know how to hyperlink BOE letters to the notes in the book? Thanks to Atlantis, I have copies of almost every one of the BOE letters referred to. It would be convenient to be able to click on the "handwritten" notes and have the actual letter pop up.
but, god hates him because he's not a baptized jw.
Thank you for posting this. I re-posted it on my Facebook page, with introductory comments like "What is this man's religion? Does he even have one? ... Does it even matter?"
We'll see if I get "unfriended" by anyone. I doubt it. But if I do, then they weren't really friend material anyway. .
48 hours investigates accused killer who impersonated journalist.
march 27, 2015, 8:20 am|a journalist strikes up an unlikely friendship with an accused killer who took his name -- what happened next would become a book and a film.
I was disappointed that this particular episode made no mention whatsoever of Longo's JW past. That's too bad, because it's a big part of the story. The closest it came to doing so was that it said he and his wife had been members of the same congregation, though it still didn't say it was a Jehovah's Witness congregation. The Fatal Devotion episode of the Final Witness docudrama series revealed a lot about Longo's JW background and implied that the increasing stress of trying to present the image of a perfect Witness family played as much a role in this horrific tragedy as did his innate narcissism and hypocrisy.
I completely agree that his simply being a JW, or even the humiliation and disgrace of being disfellowshipped, did not directly cause this unspeakable act of betrayal. But I would argue that the constant pressure of feeling forced to keep up appearances, coupled with the increasing responsibilities of providing for his family, certainly laid the groundwork. It's easy to see how he could have fallen into a "drowning man" syndrome.
Now that doesn't excuse his actions in any way whatsoever. Plenty of other people feel overwhelmed and don't know which way to turn, but they don't murder their family and run off to Mexico to start a new life like nothing ever happened. That's what a psychopath does. I do think Longo is psychopathic, narcissistic, avaricious, conniving, and self-serving to the extreme, but I don't think he's clinically insane. I think he's evil. He deserved the death penalty, or at least four consecutive life sentences without parole. .
48 hours investigates accused killer who impersonated journalist.
march 27, 2015, 8:20 am|a journalist strikes up an unlikely friendship with an accused killer who took his name -- what happened next would become a book and a film.
having had been a programmer for several years (asp, vb script, html,etc) and really learning a lot more about dna recently, i'm amazed how much the dna and the all processes involved with it seem to run like a computer program.
i just saw this article and thought this programmer explained it very well and thought i'd share it.
it's found here but i copied it to here.
konceptual99, referenced this article on another thread: .
was it designed?
the inverted retina.
Hi Oubliette,
Like OrphanCrow, I never said or even implied that you thought Bergman was a reliable source, much less that you were endorsing him. I'm no scientist, but even I can see that some of his published papers don't measure up to what might be expected of someone with his credentials. I think he's blown a fuse or two somewhere along the road.
For the record, I thought I was endorsing your point about the Society's foolishness in citing him as an "authority." Not only is he a well-known ex-JW and apostate, he's also a fruit loop, as far as I'm concerned.
konceptual99, referenced this article on another thread: .
was it designed?
the inverted retina.
I just clicked on Bergman's name in the first posting to check out his bio. It's on "".
Wow. Just wow. I will never understand how such a brilliant and learned man, with his depth of knowledge and experience in many sciences, could ever come to accept the superstitious nonsense of "special creation" as taught by organized religion. It's ming-boggling.
I guess it's similar to when Paul was being questioned by Festus, who finally concluded that Paul's extensive education had driven him mad. Here's one translation's account:
24 And as he thus proceeded with his defense, Festus called out loudly, Paul, you are mad! Your great learning is driving you insane!